

This plugin enables you to create multiple EPUBs by splitting off the parts of an existing (non-DRM) EPUB eBook. It's been a frustrating exercise.Detailed Guide: How to Merge Multiple EPUB eBooks with CalibreĮpubSplit is a counterpart of EpubMerge. I've not had any problems adding books in the windows version, but nothing is working as expected on linux. And when I opened calibre, it displayed no books whatsoever. Since none of this worked as expected, I tried copying all the ebooks from the usb into the calbre library folder on the linux computer. If I select no to the above, it creates a mess of books and I had to delete the calibre library folder and start over. I didn't think I had mobi files, but for multiple books I saw it only added a mobi version of the ebook. If I select yes, I want to assume all books in a single folder are multiple versions of the same book, then it only adds one type, so like it will see the epub and ignore the rest. So I tried adding books from folders and subfolders. I tried using the add books option from the toolbar, adding books from a single folder, but that only drills down to a specific epub file and I have sometimes have multiple versions like epub and kepub. That worked on windows, I guess it doesn't work on linux.


I can't seem to drag and drop books from the window into calibre on the linux. I'm not sure how many books I have, over 300 probably.


So I basically copied the calibre folder on the windows machine to a usb and put the usb in the linux computer. I am switching to a linux computer that has 6.8 version. So I had an old version of calibre on windows.
